Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Pretty socks

How come all men's socks are so boring? Solid colors, blah blah. I like funky socks. Like these...

I took these of my socks today because I was bored and it got me to thinking...I want some more funky socks! I actually bought these at the Gap in Milwaukee at the Grand Ave. when it was going out of business.

So I'm asking any funky sock wearers (men's that is), let me know of any stores (online or physical) where I can get some groovy socks. That's all.


MatadorMexicano said...

i wouldnt normally admit this, but hot topic has come pretty hot men socks too. i love funky socks! i say we go in bussiness and design funky socks for a living! itll rock my... er well socks off ;)

bomitoni said...

let's do it!!! i used to shop at hot topic during my rockero days. don't feel ashamed :P

i'll have to check them out...online!