Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Vday

So it's Valentine's Day. I woke up this morning and didn't even realize it. Mostly because tomorrow is our 1.5 year anniversary. To me that is much more important than another Hallmark Holiday. Everyone have a good weekend? Hope so. Nothing much went on this weekend. My mother came to my financial rescue so I am no longer poor until Friday. Thank God! We caught the mouse!! Technically a mouse trap did, and technically Rocío got rid of it for us. But what are technicalities? We did watch the first 16 episodes from season 1 of Arrested Development. I loved it! What a great show! Can't wait to see more of it. Depserate Housewives was on! Yay! So some of you were asking about why Martika is no longer my fave's a very long story but I will get into it in another post. Only a couple of more days until Oprah. I will post more later. Hope everyone is well :)


espelina said...

Arrested Development is the best show on tv! I can't believe its close to getting cancelled. :(

The Real Astrompowers said...

No pude opinar en el post anterior. Siempre supuse que eras Drag, pero no lo quería ver, me cegué como madre consentidora y jotera. Amo arrested, la mamá es lo máximo!
Por cierto, vimos ayer a Bibi Gaytán y Eduardo Capetillo en el bar del hotel W. Nos la viboreamos toda e hicimos mofa de Lalo cuando apareció en "Amy, la niña de la mochila azul" haciéndola de payasito, loser. Hablando de losers, ignoramos olímpicamente a Sergio Mayer.