Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hangover Monday

So Sunday was the infamous outing for my Milwaukee Sister's birthday. Holy shit did we get tore up! It was a blast, the combination of countless pitchers of long island ice tea, über cheesy music courtesy of our fave Bobby (she's fierce! she played Vanessa Williams, Betty Boo, Sweet Sensation, Pebbles, Michel'le, Corina, etc.), and the right people made for a fabu night! Don't ask me how many pitchers we actually drank, I lost count at 7. We met some lovely people from NYC that I befriended and talked their ears off....we ran into Charlie and his fierce boyfriend...they all watched in amazement as I performed the choreography to Deborah 'Don't Call Me Debbie' Gibson's 80s teen anthem Electric Youth...and God knows what else we did.

I don't remember what time we got home, I just remember knocking out and having eaten 3 slices of pizza at the Pie Hole. That place is so good when you're shit faced! We were pretty rowdy, so I think they asked us to leave at some point. Oh well.

I woke up with a nasty headache Monday morning, but after downing some aspirin and about a gallon of water I felt much better after going back to sleep. I think I was pondering how many drunk calls I made! LOL! I've heard 2 so far. Someone should make my greatest hits of me drunk dialing.

Being that I took Monday off in my Sista M's honor, my Boo boo and I spent the day together and took in a movie in the afternooon, Ask The Dust:

Being that I am obsessed w/ all things Salma Hayek and have an über crush on Colin Farrell, it was nice seeing them both on the big screen. My biggest complaint is that the movie was too long. What's w/ movies being 2 or more hours lately?? It didn't get interesting til about half way through, and I still don't know what Idina Menzel's character was doing in the movie. She just came out of nowhere. Enough w/ that.

I am at work awaiting feedback from our client, so I'm taking advantage and writing in my blog today.

I need to start hauling ass on a look for my blog. It's beginning to look as tired as Jay Manuel's fried bleached locks on ANTM...Scurry!!!

Ta ta!


Sexbox said...

oooh, I love me some Jay Manuel. he's fagalicious!

And Sista M, you impressed everyone with your Deborah choreography!

MatadorMexicano said...

sounds like fun! i saw the salma movie too, and it was long... and slow! but salmas sassy self saved the movie... lol. and we saw salma boobies, yaaaaay!