Wednesday, September 22, 2004

In other news...

I watched L'Aberge Espagnole last night. I forgot how much I enjoyed this movie. It also frustrates me that my one regret in life was not going to study abroad. I would have killed to live for a year in Barcelona or Madrid. Anyhoo...I also watched the new episode of The Real World last night. Willie...he is such a lady! It's to die for. My BF doesn't appreciate reality shows, he in fact hates them, but I like numbless TV. If I want something a little more indepth, there are other outlets. I probably will be bitching in the next few days about having to work on a program booklet for my parents. They are putting on a show entitled Tributo a Agustín Lara, you can find out more @ their website. Fancy shit, huh? Of course they waited 'til the last minute to get everything to me. ¡Padres! ¿Qué se puede hacer con ellos?


Carolina said...

I LOVE that movie...and yes, not going to study abroad is my BIGGEST regret in life. And I am happy about Gloria...I sent u a e-thank you from like 2 weeks ago and TODAY they sent me a notice saying that they couldn't deliver it. GHETTO MEXICANS! Ok...back to regreting things...yeah, my dumbass was always like "no, who's going to cover my rent"...hello? Sublet? Que tonta! Pero igual, algun dia se dara...algun dia.

bomitoni said...

pinches pendejos los de gusanito...uff! ni modo. i got ur thank u via ur blog :) maybe one day when we're rich and famous (god knows we're already fabulous...) we'll go to spain and live it up!